The Crown in British Columbia
The Queen's newest vice-regal was sworn in as the 28th Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia yesterday amidst pomp and controversy. The Hon. Steven Point impressed me not for becoming the first aboriginal Canadian to be appointed to that position, but because of his decision to wear the traditional Windsor uniform (approved by George III) at the installation ceremony. His recent predecessors made some show at 'modernizing' their appearance, and indeed for a time it looked as though the ostrich-feathered and oak leaf embroidered attire was going to disappear altogether. We can take this as proof that all trends are reversible.No, the controversy are these large murals in the lower rotunda of the B.C. legislature buildings, which were deliberately covered for the swearing-in ceremony to appease the sensitivity of those present. The Ceremony of the Covered Murals.
They were painted in 1932 to represent B.C.'s early colonial past and apparently depict some of the province's indigenous in a less than dignified manner. The 1997 Speech from the Throne promised to have them removed to a different location.
For years, First Nations leaders have expressed serious concern about the way Aboriginal people are portrayed in these murals – in passive, stereotypical and demeaning roles.In 2001, an independent five-person advisory panel unanimously recommended the murals be removed and relocated.
In the spirit of the New Relationship commitment to reconciliation, B.C. has committed to working with the First Nations Leadership Council and the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations to develop a process for removal and replacement of the murals.

Update: Andrew Cusack out does me
Home sweet home...that means you live near me :D Perhaps I've run into you with knowing it...
"Splendor sine occasu", indeed, the best of the provincial mottos.
My home away from home, to be exact. I grew up there and lived most of my life on the left coast.
By the way, I am noticing a huge disappearing act on the top part of this post. I have no idea what could be causing this on again, off again glitch with the template. Please let me know if you notice the same. I am less than pleased, to be it mildly.
I do like the Viceregal ceremonial dress, especially the hat. You Canadians do ceremony wonderfully: I wish some of it would rub off down here.
So many examples of the Canadian monarchy all around us and yet only 5% know who our head of state is. Now more than 50% want to abolish the monarchy (albeit the result comes from skewed poll questions). How stupid *are* people?
I enjoyed immensely my trip to Victoria a few years ago, with my arrival by sea plane, tea at the Empress, and a tour of the Parliament buildings.
No kidding. One wonders how 50% would want to abolish it, when only 5% are even aware of it. The pollster must be getting a lot of this: do you support dumping the Queen? Answer: We have a Queen? Yes, I support dumping it.
Likewise, Dundonald. I enjoyed immensely my trip to Glasgow in 86'.
Beaverbrook, the city has changed so much since then. Haste ye back!
The Viceregal uniform is quite splendid: the new Lietenant-Governor is to be approved.
On the question of the murals in the B.C. legislature, I must say I disagree with the decision to move them. If the aboriginal people portrayed in them are depicted in 'passive' and 'demeaning' roles isn't this because it was just such roles, of back-breaking manual labour, that many of them were in fact effectively conscripted to undertake? To try and air brush this out of history, and thereby deny the servitude to which many were condemned, is surely to deny the past and pretend that it was a rosier one for aboriginal peoples than in fact it was. Surely it would be better for the murals to stay: they mark a perfect contrast with the way the new aboriginal holder of the post of Lieutenant-Governor is now at the heart of government, and show the way in which Canadian society has improved very greatly for the better.
I agree, Cato. This whole controversy is longstanding and the people from the beginning have been on the side of them staying. Aboriginal politics is most acute on the west coast, however, given the sheer number of tribes and the overlapping land claims. This issue would never have gone away and a Royal Commission decided it was time to make peace and move on. Sigh.
I apologise for being away and not noticing this post! As a British Columbian, I am very proud to see the new Lieutenant Governor don the traditional court uniform. Perhaps a return to tradition influenced by the current PM...?
Myabe I'm weird, but I do find the history of our heraldric symbols, especially the unauthorised use (up until 1987) of the Royal Crest, fascinating. The old colonial flag was a blue ensign with this insignia in the fly. I would love to find a reproduction of this flag!
In BC here as well...
I think what the Lt. Gov. is wearing is the 2nd Class Civil Uniform.
The Lt. Gov.'s own website is confused into calling it the Windsor Uniform. Something else altogether.
Great handbook for these things. Apparently, cabinet ministers in Canada are entitled to wear it as well. Original version has white knee breeches and leather pumps. I think the trousers are an improvement.
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