Analogies 101
The Halifax Chronicle Herald has equated recent comments of Prince Charles with the ravings of this odd Elizabeth May person on Chamberlain's appeasement of the Nazis and what not. Although I am not personally a devoted fan of the Prince's political views, or the fact that he is so vocal about them, in this case, he simply was not making the same analogy as May at all. She compared Harper's environmental policies to Chamberlain's weak kneed approach to the Nazi regime. Prince Charles, on the other hand, referred to the herculean efforts of the Allies during World War II, drawing a comparison to the sort of dedication and perseverance that will be required in the 21st century to cool the sun by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels on earth. Quite a different proposition, really. The Chronicle Herald should apologize.
Anologies to Hitler and the Nazi's are as over-used and under-thunk and detestable as the dreaded cliche. Moronic, knee-jerk, hyperventilating overkill. The lesson if you are a politician in a civilised country is to never, ever use it. But they just can't help themselves.
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